About Us


Our mission is to help STR owners and managers find the right tools for their STR business efficiently and with confidence.

STR HUB.com was created by STR owner/manager Christianne Crump after the struggle to get her first Airbnb listing live. She spent countless hours combing the web and social media, comparing various companies and tools. She knew the research was essential, but with so many other demands on her time, it felt frustrating.

The goal of STR HUB.com is to spare you frustration and save you time by gathering all the information you need to make decisions for your STR business in one place. Allowing you to make decisions efficiently and with confidence.


Fellow STR Owners,

“I created STR HUB to be the website I wish I’d had in the beginning to allow me to quickly find and compare the many tools available for STR owners and managers.  

I hope you find value in the information gathered and that it allows you to make strategic, research-based decisions for your STR business quickly.  If you have any input or suggestions for how this website can better serve you please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at christianne@strhub.com.”

All my best, 

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