Rachel Gainsbrugh – Luxury Short-Term Rental Academy


Hey, I’m Rachel, Short-Term Rental Investor. I’m a health care professional by day, short-term rental investor by night! And I’m now the owner and manager of 23 luxury short-term rentals and a lucrative cash-flowing rental portfolio.

It’s my goal to share what I’ve discovered on my journey to building a profitable luxury short term rental portfolio through the Luxury Short-Term Rental Academy with as many women, mothers and entrepreneurs as possible.

Come on in and discover how burnt-out professionals are ditching the moonlight shift for a profitable new income stream and full-time freedom in as little as 12 weeks!


Born in Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, Dr. Rachel was driven to make a difference and not take her parents’ sacrifices for granted.

She was raised in the inner-city of Miami where she worked hard, got straight A’s and went on to get her doctorate.

Unfortunately, financial literacy was not part of the curriculum—and she graduated with a whopping $500,000 in student loan debt.

She struggled, burned the candle at both ends, worked multiple extra hospital shifts to pay it off… until she discovered real estate and digital courses.

Fast forward to now, Dr. Rachel is a semi-retired pharmacist, Luxury AirBNB Real Estate Investor, Educator, Public Speaker, Podcast Host, Course Creator, Coach, and a mom to two boys 24/7!

She’s also a newly minted best-selling contributing author & filmed for a Netflix TV show highlighting her property (air date and show name TBD—so stay tuned for updates!)

Rachel is “all-in” on short-term rentals because it helped her husband to retire at 46 from a stressful psychotherapy practice. And now she’s semi-retired from pharmacy at 41! She believes that no other real estate strategy would have afforded her this early and abundant exit.

But what excites her the most is the 47 medical professionals she’s helped ditch burnout by launching their VERY own profit-generating luxury short-term rental. And that number will only continue to go up!

She runs a concierge coaching program, powered by her digital course, The Luxury Short-Term Rental Academy, designed to help medical professionals grow their investments by adding just ONE luxury short-term rental to their portfolio.

Her approach is contrary to most real-estate coaching “gurus”—Rachel teaches her students how to own and operate the FEWEST number of properties to generate the HIGHEST profitability.

She reveals how to accomplish this in less than 4 hours a week so they can have the time, freedom and financial stability to live life on their own terms, however that looks like for them!

Ultimately, Dr. Rachel’s mission is to impact the financial wellness of over 1M women in healthcare so that they can thrive in their personal life while taking their patient care to incredible new heights.

Learn More About The Luxury Short-Term Rental Academy

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