The Amazing Co-host


Service Locations: Based in Miami Florida can Co-host across the US

Are you a short-term rental property owner looking to maximize your profits and minimize your headaches? Look no further! At The Amazing Co-host, we offer a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet all your needs. Here’s how we can help you succeed in the short-term rental market:

1. **Competitor Analysis**: We analyze your competitors to identify opportunities for improvement and help you stand out in the market.

2. **Design and Amenity Report**: Our team provides detailed recommendations on how to enhance your property’s design and amenities to attract more guests.

3. **Listing Analysis**: We optimize your property listings to increase visibility and bookings on popular rental platforms.

4. **Guest Communications**: We handle all guest inquiries, bookings, and feedback, ensuring a seamless experience for your guests.

5. **Cleaning Management**: Our cleaning services guarantee that your property is always in top condition for incoming guests.

6. **Maintenance Management**: We take care of all maintenance issues promptly to keep your property in excellent shape.

7. **Listing Optimization and Rankings**: We use proven strategies to improve your listing’s visibility and ranking on rental platforms.

8. **Dynamic Pricing and Occupancy Management**: Our pricing strategies maximize your revenue by adjusting rates based on demand and occupancy.

9. **Channel Management**: We manage multiple rental platforms to increase your property’s exposure and bookings.

10. **Full Project Management**: We oversee all rental property improvements, from minor upgrades to major renovations, to enhance guest satisfaction.

11. **Marketing Services**: Our marketing experts handle social media, Facebook ads, and email campaigns to attract more guests to your property.

With our comprehensive range of services, you can trust The Amazing Co-host to take your short-term rental business to the next level of profitability. Focus on what you do best – owning the property – and let us handle the rest.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your rental property’s potential. Contact us today to learn more about how we can boost your income and make your life easier. Partner with The. Amazing Co-host for success in the short-term rental market!


Clare Ward owner of the amazing Co-host, is a real estate investor, too, so understands the pressure of running an STR. However, through years of self-development and training with industry leaders such as Bill Faeth, Kenny Bedwell Avery Carl, to name a few, she has built a robust business to assist other real estate investors who simply are too busy or have no desire to manage.

-Clare’s listings are in the top 90th percentile of revenue in those markets.

-All properties are making over 20% ROI.

-Clare uses the latest technologies to gain market intelligence and stay ahead of the competition.

-100% 5-star reviews

Call to book an exploratory call! She will even give you a free analysis of your property on how to gain more revenue!

The amazing Co-host

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